

That's not a typo; we spell Pandamonium with a panda in the front as a tribute to Shanghai's Chinese roots. In Pandamonium, all players play on one common layout in a mad scramble to see who can remove the most tiles from this layout. The opponents can either be computerized Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) opponents, or human. To play against human opponents (Windows 95 only), see Playing the Multiplayer Games Online.

Up to five players can play on the same layout. Each player's cursor is a different color. When one player highlights a tile, that tile is highlighted with that player's color. Another player cannot select a tile which has been already highlighted by that player. However, to avoid "deadlock" situations, two players can cooperate to remove a pair (each player gets one point when this happens).

When there are no more moves available on the layout (which is bound to happen with multiple players removing pairs as fast as they can), the computer automatically shuffles the remaining tiles so play can continue. When all tiles are gone (or when a completely unplayable resolution has been reached), the game ends. The computer compares the tile counts for the various players and declares the winner. The person who has removed the most tiles from the layout wins.

To Start Pandamonium

- From the Title Screen: click on Shanghai. When the layout appears, go to the Games menu and click on Pandamonium.
- When you select Pandamonium from the Games menu, a dialog box appears where you can select from one to four A.I. opponents and select their speed. Press OK to begin playing.
- At the Pandamonium dialog box, choose the number of A.I. players you want to play against, and their difficulty.
- When done setting your options, click OK to start. To reset to default settings, go to the Preferences menu and select Reset to Default.
- When Pandamonium begins, your opponents start removing pairs of tiles ╨ you'd better not sit and admire the scenery; get crackin'!
- Go as fast as you possibly can!